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Mtroniks 540er BL-Motor

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    Autor Nachricht
    Hop-Up Held
    Hop-Up Held

    Anmeldedatum: 21.08.2005
    Beiträge: 118

    BeitragVerfasst am: 29.10.2005, 21:20    Titel: Mtroniks 540er BL-Motor

    Mtroniks - PLASMA PRO
    Brushless motor PLASMA PRO
    This 2 pole brushless motor is a 540 can sized motor.

    The PLASMA PRO motor can be bought seperatley but also comes as part of the Genesis PRO combo package (see Brushless speed controllers).

    This motor is ideal for 1/18th or 1/10th scale models and offers unbelievable performance per pound!

    * 540 can size
    * Weight = 225g
    * KV rating = 5900
    * Equivalent brushed motor = around 7turns

    Operating voltage is from 4 to 8 cells.
    Code: plasmapro
    Price £59.99

    ~80€ für nen bl-motor?
    Ist doch vergleichsweise billig, oder?
    Dass den Carson ned verkauft, die Mtronik-Regler hams ja auch?! Oder ist das zum Schluss der, der im "Schattenjäger" drin ist?
    Kennt den jemand?
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    Hop-Up Held
    Hop-Up Held

    Anmeldedatum: 21.08.2005
    Beiträge: 118

    BeitragVerfasst am: 29.10.2005, 21:23    Titel: Re: Mtroniks 540er BL-Motor
    Aja, dann noch

    Genesis Sport Plus
    Brushless Car ESC Genesis Sport Plus
    You wanted a sensorless brushless ESC for the RC car market with BIG features and a low price.................................................Now you can have it!!

    The GENESIS SPORT incorporates high power Gen Xi-FET technology, a light weight heatsink which provides excellent, effective cooling and a host of other high spec features to make the GENESIS SPORT PLUS a true first in the RC car market!

    The GENESIS SPORT PLUS is the result of an extensive development program which has run for over 3 years. Every aspect of the design has been considered and each individual ESC is carefully assembled and tested using state of the art equipment in the UK.
    See the GENESIS SPORT PLUS features below:

    * Fully programmable battery selection, motor timing, acceleration, brakes and reverse, reverse disable
    * Instant acceleration from a standing start by using Mtroniks Ltd. optimised motor preperation
    * A 'return to base' software upgrade facility
    * Li-Po battery support for 2 to 4 cells
    * 4 to 7 cells NiCAD or NiMH
    * Automatic sensing of number of cells when using NiCAD or NiMH batteries
    * Current limit cut-off
    * 3A Hyper BEC
    * 3 Internal Schottky diodes
    * Auto cut-off computer
    * Dimensions:-52mmx35mmx12mm
    * Weight:-42g

    The GENESIS SPORT PLUS ESC is capable of an average discharge rate of 40A and a peak discharge rate of 60A making it a very capable & attractive option at such a low price!
    The 'return to base' software upgrade enables the user to return their ESC to us to have the onboard software upgraded to the latest spec ensuring your ESC is never superceded!!(Software upgrade notices will be posted in the news section on www.mtroniks.net when made available)

    The GENESIS SPORT PLUS- Fully programmable, intelligent, sensorless, brushless RC car ESC from Mtroniks Ltd.

    Low cost NOT cheap!

    Code: GENsport+
    Price £99.99

    ~145€ sind auch ned grade sooooooooooooo viel...
    Der hat sogar ein gscheites Gehäuse

    Zuletzt bearbeitet von shadow am 29.10.2005, 23:11, insgesamt einmal bearbeitet
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    Anmeldedatum: 15.01.2003
    Beiträge: 15344

    BeitragVerfasst am: 30.10.2005, 08:38    Titel: Re: Mtroniks 540er BL-Motor
    Der Genesis Sport ist eher für schwächere Motoren bis ca. 3000-4000 upm/V geeignet, aber 40A halte ich auch hier (offroad...) ein bissl knapp bemessen.

    Der Genesis Pro ist mit 75/100A recht interessant

    Wenn die Störungen übers BEC allerdings genauso gewaltig sind, wie bei meinen bisherigen 2 Carson bzw. Mtroniks Reglern... da lass ich lieber die Finger davon
    OC Usermap - tragt euch auf unserer Landkarte ein!
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